VEX Robotics Competition


01 Feb 2021

About Our VEX Robotics Team 88518J(Season 2020-2021)

88518J, this alphanumerical sequence means a lot to us, last year, 88518J represented as a team from Guangzhou Foreign Language School, and had already been with us for two years. We are not simply going to treat this name as a name, we are going to treat this name as a spirit, an expectation.

Our stories

Because of the specialty of our school, most of our VEX contestants can only compete for one year, which means, most of our VEX contestants can only get familiar with VEX robotic component within months, and get used to the feeling of operation. As a result, a significant difference between we and other contestants is we are not as sophisticated as others in operating the robot. However, these issues have overcome by us, through determination, and insistence. There is a quote that says an actual combat will do the same as swing the sword for ten thousand times. After our first mocking battle with other contestants, we found that our techniques of operating are way too worse than the other contestants. But after training, we are finally able to keep up the pace of the other competitors.

About US

There are 6 teammates in our team, and we are just as a family, whenever we have trouble, we will all gather up together and figure out the right solution to the problem.

Team leader & Operator & Mechanist: Lucas Li

Lucas is the leader of the whole team. He is the core and soul of the team and respond for most of the daily activities of the whole team like assigning tasks. Besides his strong leadership, Lucas shows great talent in almost every part of robotics - including driving, mechanical repairing, autonomous programming, etc.

Director & Mechanist & Paperwork: Anderson Wang

As an operator, Anderson is qualified to undertake multiple different situations and handle them properly during the driver-control period of the competition. As a mechanist, he is sophisticated in the structure of the machine and knows it better than anyone else in the team. He can comprehend what his teammate needs ahead of their demand, like the compatibility of the machine on the autonomous program, etc.

Programmer & Communicator: Shawn Xiao

He is the major communicator, vice-director, and programmer for the autonomous section of the team. He is not only talent in effectively implementing the program, but also a real master in tactic designing. He is the main designer for most of the tactics during the driver control section. He is strong in persuading alliances to use the best strategy when we have a conflict with our alliance about the strategy. He is good at collecting detailed information about our alliance and opponent, for instance, the reliability of the autonomous program of our alliance. He can then determine which route of the autonomous part we are going to take based on this information.

Programmer & Director & Recorder: Daniel Yang

As the main programmer in the team, Daniel wrote most of the code including the autonomous and drive-control period of the robot. He is responsible for debugging and adjusting the code so that it can be executed according to the strategies from Shawn. He is the vice director of the team as well.

Communicator & Recorder: Mike Liu

Mike is a social butterfly with talented communicating skills. He has participated in a series of summer camps and teamwork events, making it a simple task for him to understand others’ emotions and share and convey ideas with different team members. Also, he is good at getting the big picture of the whole project such as control the developing progress and analyze the alliances’ strategy.

Communicator: Tina Xing

Tina is the only girl in this team and she does a great job, she is good at communicating with other teams, summarize their strategy, and she will provide the director and operator everything they need, including the strategy that is required in following competition.