
USACO 2017 Jan Gold P2

USACO analysis

Mark Chen | 16 Nov 2020

Problem 2. Hoof, Paper, Scissors

Problem Summary

Hoof Paper Scissors is a game like paper, scissor, stone. In the game, Hoof > Scissors, Scissors > Paper, and Paper > Hoof. The cow Bessie know the sequence of gesture that will be used by Farmer John, but it only can change its gesture for $k$ times, where $k$ is a number that is less than 20.

Given the gesture sequence of farmer John and maximum number of change ($k$) for Bessie, what is the maximum number of games Bessie can win?

Proposed Solution

We can use the dynamic programming to solve this problem. First, we noticed that three variables are needed to represent a state for Bessie.

  1. The current gesture Bessie is using
  2. The number of game Bessie has won
  3. The number of time that Bessie change its gesture

Therefore, we will build up a 3D array $T$ with size $3\times N \times k$, where $N$ is the number of games Bessie and John will have. $T[0][n][k]$ represent the maximum number of game that Bessie can win when it has “Hoof” at $n$th game and has changed its gesture for $k$ times.

Suppose we have a function isWin(gesture, n) that will return whether Bessie will win. If Bessie wins, return 1; otherwise, return 0. Then we can calculate through the whole table using these equations:

\[\begin{aligned} T[g][n][k] = \max{\left( T[g][n-1][k]+ isWin(g, n),\;\\ T[(g+1)\%3][n-1][k-1]+ isWin(g, n),\;\\ T[(g + 2)\%3][n-1][k-1]+ isWin(g, n) \right)} \end{aligned}\]

If either $n$ or $k$ is out of bound (not in 3D array $T$, return 0.

After calculating through all the table, we should check all the elements in slice $T[][N][]$. (the maximum win number may not require maximum number of change). The final result will be the maximum value of these $3\times k$ values.

Time Complexity Analysis

Since we know that $1\leq N\leq 100,000$ and $1\leq k\leq 20$, the 3D array we will construct has a size of $3\times100,000\times20 = 6\times 10^7$. Since we need to calculate through the whole table, our program may require $1\times 10^8$ computational steps and time complexity of $O(kN)$. Since this time complexity is on the edge of TLE, we should use Java to solve this problem.
